"The great evacuation will come upon the world very suddenly.”
-Dr. James Oliver Cyr, Channeling Master Andromeda Rex
I began searching for a woman after finding a box of her letters in an attic above an abandoned motorcycle garage in the mountains of North Carolina. Long before I found her, I first found the author of those letters. A man named Dr. Cyr: a gentle, retired doctor and Vietnam War veteran, living neatly out of a conversion van on BLM land surrounding Flagstaff, Arizona. His retirement began voluntarily after surrendering his medical license in the state of California to begin the practice of long distance healing.
Gain exclusive access to the fuller story
The Healer bundle includes:
âž¡ Exclusive access to samplings of Dr. Cyr’s documents and letters (digital)
âž¡ Long Distance Direct mystery mail club (physical)
+ Limited Edition Colored LP + Bandana

"As channeled through Ashtar;
The intergalactic council of space confederation."
​ventually, I stumbled upon a pile of rotten clothing on top of a cardboard box with the name "Kate Price" written in marker. I pushed the clothing aside and opened the box, which was packed with paper. The top sheet was a photocopy of a document with a header reading "From the Desk of Dr. James Oliver Cyr, M.D." The handwriting was tedious, but in the margin there was a clear and concise note:
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